This book seems readily available at various online anime stores or on ebay, and is relatively inexpensive. On the other hand, it does includes some excellent full-color illustrations by Takahiro Kishida, who drew the animation character designs.

VEL is not a book of original illustrations, so the work of Yoshitoshi ABe (original character designer) is not heavily featured. serial experiments lain is a visually interesting anime, so it's no wonder that the book devoted to it is also visually interesting, living up to its billing as a "visual experiment." The progressive layout reminds me of Mondo 2000 or other postmodern mags not your typical use of white space.and it looks nice.very nice, in fact. What sets VEL apart from other artbooks is its incredible layout. Text aside, VEL is simply great to look at. In addition, there's a decent amount of English text to help readers navigate the book. If you can read Japanese, there's more than enough text to make this book worth buying. Of course, I can't read Japanese, so I am judging the book purely by its aesthetics. Like artbooks for other anime series, the 80-page VEL includes plenty of screen shots, conceptual drawings, original illustrations, and informational text in Japanese. Visual experiments lain is one of the nicest artbooks I own, and I own a decent number (41).